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  • Crane & Lifting Services

Regular Crane Maintenance: Who’s Responsible for it?

As with any form of lifting equipment, regular maintenance is a key part of owning and operating a crane. Not only does this ensure safe, efficient and reliable operations, but it also ensures you remain on the right side of the law - there are many rules and regulations involved with lifting equipment!

A man carrying out crane maintenance

With that said, whose responsibility is it to ensure that such maintenance is being upheld? In this guide, we’ll discuss the preventative maintenance tasks that should be taking place and who’s responsible for seeing that these are carried out.

Preventative Maintenance Tasks

If you regularly use a crane in your everyday operations, then creating a preventative maintenance plan is essential. But what does this include?

First and foremost, routine crane inspections must be undertaken before each daily use of your crane, allowing any immediate faults, damage or other issues to be identified. It’s best to create a checklist that can be followed when undertaking such inspections, so that potential faults or minor issues (that would later become more serious) aren’t being missed.

This will typically include:

  1. Ensuring proper alignment

  2. Inspecting chains and connections for signs of rust, damage or other serious wear

  3. Inspecting the hook for bends or cracks, ensuring it’s intact and securely attached

  4. Checking the pipes, lines and other key parts of the hydraulic and air systems

  5. Inspecting the wheels (if your crane has them) for any signs of wear or damage (e.g. low tyre pressure, punctures etc.)

Additional maintenance tasks, such as lubricating parts and promptly addressing issues noticed during inspections, should be carried out as and when required to help keep your crane in good condition. On top of that, you must always ensure you’re undertaking the necessary measures required to ensure you remain compliant with the relevant regulations.

Where the Responsibility Lies

Responsibility for ensuring that this maintenance is carried out falls to the crane owner. Even though it’s the operator who must ensure that all lifting processes that are carried out using the crane are done so in a safe and responsible manner, should something go wrong due to damage or a fault with the crane itself, then this is seen as due to poor planning from the equipment owner.

Even if the crane owner does not carry out maintenance themself, or is not qualified to, they are still responsible for designating personnel who can carry out maintenance and repairs on their behalf, as well as informing the user of the established inspection, testing and maintenance procedures.

Enlisting the Help of a Crane Service Company

Don’t ignore your responsibilities. If you’re looking for a crane maintenance and repairs specialist that you can trust, then look to us here at Crane and Lifting Services.

Our team of expert engineers offer high-end crane maintenance and servicing services across the UK, so you can rest-assured that your cranes remain safe to operate, keeping you compliant with the necessary regulations.

Get in touch with us today to discuss how we can help you.

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