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  • Crane & Lifting Services

Top Uses For Specialist Dockside Cranes: A Brief Guide

Cranes are powerful lifting tools that allow for bulky materials to be manoeuvred safely. These can come in a range of sizes and designs depending on how they are to be used, where some projects require portable, compact cranes, whilst other jobs depend on crane height for optimal performance.

One specialist form of lifting equipment is the dockside gantry crane, where these are typically found along shipping terminals and loading bays. Ideal for supporting marine commerce and construction, these cranes typically feature a large boom and a reinforced hoisting system designed for heavy loads. Read on to find out more about how dockside cranes are typically used.

A dockside crane at a port

Loading & Unloading

The primary use for dockside cranes is to load and unload cargo that arrives by water. Large cargo ships will pull up alongside the dock in order to be emptied out, where cranes are often required to unload containers, bulky materials and imported machinery. These goods will then be loaded onto trucks and trains to be taken further inland.

Marine Construction

The marine construction industry depends heavily on dockside cranes for daily operations. Often large ships, bridges or waterfront machinery will be built with the help of one of these cranes, where this may involve the lifting of prefabricated parts or the positioning of heavy loads along the dock.

Ship Repairs

Ship repairs are made simple with the assistance of a dockside crane, where these lifting tools make it easier to carry out important maintenance tasks. Large vessels may be repaired at a dockyard site, so that they can be inspected and repaired thoroughly. Throughout this process, a fixed dockside crane may be used for intricate part replacements and upgrades.

Offshore Energy

The offshore energy industry also depends on the lifting power of dockside cranes for the completion of repairs and installations. Offshore oil and gas explorations as well as offshore wind farm construction tends to require dependable lifting equipment for project success. As such a dockside crane can come in handy for relocating resources and manoeuvring essential equipment.

Crane & Lifting Services: Professional Repairs For Your Dockside Crane

At Crane & Lifting Services, we can take care of your dockside lifting equipment to ensure that everything remains in good working order. We also offer comprehensive overhead crane repairs and gantry inspections, where our expert team excels at spotting and resolving issues before they can disrupt your project. Speak to us directly today to find out more about our services. 

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